The client wanted the Kritter to display a distinct aesthetic personality to differentiate it amidst its competitive marketplace. To increase its appeal, the Kritter needed to perch on desktop monitors, laptop screens and the popular iMac.

Key elements in the Kritter's innovative design are its multi-functional legs. Removable legs provide a compact three-point platform with dampened tilt/swivel pivots letting you easily aim the Kritter's lens. The legs are designed to grip the top of a laptop screen or desktop monitor, as well as, sit on any flat surface. For the mobile user, the legs rotate compactly around the body and provide a protective lens cover. With legs removed, the Kritter can be used with a wand attached to an iMac or desktop base.

A compact snap together enclosure eliminates the need for screws or solvents. This innovation reduces assembly costs and promotes ease of disassembly for recycling. Features inside the body allow the client to load different engine assemblies/product SKU's thereby simplifying inventory.